Function References
— Functionimg_new = draw(img, drawable, color)
img_new = draw(img, [drawable], [color])
Draws the drawable
object on a copy of image img
using color color
. Can also draw multiple Drawable
objects when passed as a AbstractVector{Drawable}
with corresponding colors in [color]
draw(img::AbstractArray{T,2}, verts::Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}, f::AbstractPolyFillAlgorithm; closed::Bool)
Draw on img
using algorithm f
When img
is specified, a copy of img
is made and changes are made on it and returned.
Just simply pass an algorithm with parameters, with image and vertices of polygon
using ImageDraw
img = zeros(RGB, 7, 7)
expected = copy(img)
expected[2:6, 2:6] .= RGB{N0f8}(1)
verts = [CartesianIndex(2, 2), CartesianIndex(2, 6), CartesianIndex(6, 6), CartesianIndex(6, 2), CartesianIndex(2,2)]
res = draw(img, verts, BoundaryFill(4, 4; fill_value = RGB(1), boundary_value = RGB(1)); closed = true)
— Functionimg = draw!(img, drawable, color)
img = draw!(img, drawable)
Draws drawable
on img
using color color
which defaults to oneunit(eltype(img))
img = draw!(img, [drawable], [color])
img = draw!(img, [drawable] ,color)
img = draw!(img, [drawable])
Draws all objects in [drawable]
in the given order on img
using corresponding colors from [color]
which defaults to oneunit(eltype(img))
If only a single color color
is specified then all objects will be colored with that color.
— Functionres = bresenham(img, y0, x0, y1, x1, color)
Method to generate a line profile from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) of a 2d image using Bresenham's algorithm.
— Functionres = xiaolin_wu(img, x0, y0, x1, x2, color)
Method to generate a line profile from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) of a 2d image using Xiaolin Wu line algorithm.