Feature Extraction and Descriptors

Below [] in an argument list means an optional argument.


feature = Feature(keypoint, orientation = 0.0, scale = 0.0)

The Feature type has the keypoint, its orientation and its scale.

features = Features(boolean_img)
features = Features(keypoints)

Returns a Vector{Feature} of features generated from the true values in a boolean image or from a list of keypoints.

keypoint = Keypoint(y, x)
keypoint = Keypoint(feature)

A Keypoint may be created by passing the coordinates of the point or from a feature.

keypoints = Keypoints(boolean_img)
keypoints = Keypoints(features)

Creates a Vector{Keypoint} of the true values in a boolean image or from a list of features.

brief_params = BRIEF([size = 128], [window = 9], [sigma = 2 ^ 0.5], [sampling_type = gaussian], [seed = 123])
sizeIntSize of the descriptor
windowIntSize of sampling window
sigmaFloat64Value of sigma used for initial gaussian smoothing of image
sampling_typeFunctionType of sampling used for building the descriptor (See BRIEF Sampling Patterns)
seedIntRandom seed used for generating the sampling pairs. For matching two descriptors, the seed used to build both should be same.
orb_params = ORB([num_keypoints = 500], [n_fast = 12], [threshold = 0.25], [harris_factor = 0.04], [downsample = 1.3], [levels = 8], [sigma = 1.2])
num_keypointsIntNumber of keypoints to extract and size of the descriptor calculated
n_fastIntNumber of consecutive pixels used for finding corners with FAST. See [fastcorners]
thresholdFloat64Threshold used to find corners in FAST. See [fastcorners]
harris_factorFloat64Harris factor k used to rank keypoints by harris responses and extract the best ones
downsampleFloat64Downsampling parameter used while building the gaussian pyramid. See [gaussian_pyramid] in Images.jl
levelsIntNumber of levels in the gaussian pyramid. See [gaussian_pyramid] in Images.jl
sigmaFloat64Used for gaussian smoothing in each level of the gaussian pyramid. See [gaussian_pyramid] in Images.jl
freak_params = FREAK([pattern_scale = 22.0])
pattern_scaleFloat64Scaling factor for the sampling window
brisk_params = BRISK([pattern_scale = 1.0])
pattern_scaleFloat64Scaling factor for the sampling window

Corners and edges

orientations = corner_orientations(img)
orientations = corner_orientations(img, corners)
orientations = corner_orientations(img, corners, kernel)

Returns the orientations of corner patches in an image. The orientation of a corner patch is denoted by the orientation of the vector between intensity centroid and the corner. The intensity centroid can be calculated as C = (m01/m00, m10/m00) where mpq is defined as -

`mpq = (x^p)(y^q)I(y, x) for each p, q in the corner patch`

The kernel used for the patch can be given through the kernel argument. The default kernel used is a gaussian kernel of size 5x5.

fastcorners(img, n, threshold) -> corners

Performs FAST Corner Detection. n is the number of contiguous pixels which need to be greater (lesser) than intensity + threshold (intensity - threshold) for a pixel to be marked as a corner. The default value for n is 12.

canny_edges = canny(img, (upper, lower), sigma=1.4)

Performs Canny Edge Detection on the input image.

Parameters :

(upper, lower) : Bounds for hysteresis thresholding sigma : Specifies the standard deviation of the gaussian filter


imgedg = canny(img, (Percentile(80), Percentile(20)))
phase(grad_x, grad_y) -> p

Calculate the rotation angle of the gradient given by grad_x and grad_y. Equivalent to atan(-grad_y, grad_x), except that when both grad_x and grad_y are effectively zero, the corresponding angle is set to zero.


BRIEF Sampling Patterns

sample_one, sample_two = random_coarse(size, window, seed)

Builds sampling pairs using random sampling over a coarse grid.

sample_one, sample_two = gaussian(size, window, seed)

Builds sampling pairs using gaussian sampling.

sample_one, sample_two = gaussian_local(size, window, seed)

Pairs (Xi, Yi) are randomly sampled using a Gaussian distribution where first X is sampled with a standard deviation of 0.04*S^2 and then the Yi’s are sampled using a Gaussian distribution – Each Yi is sampled with mean Xi and standard deviation of 0.01 * S^2

sample_one, sample_two = center_sample(size, window, seed)

Builds sampling pairs (Xi, Yi) where Xi is (0, 0) and Yi is sampled uniformly from the window.


Feature Extraction

Feature Description

desc, keypoints = create_descriptor(img, keypoints, params)
desc, keypoints = create_descriptor(img, params)

Create a descriptor for each entry in keypoints from the image img. params specifies the parameters for any of several descriptors:

Some descriptors support discovery of the keypoints from fastcorners.


Feature Matching

Texture Matching

Gray Level Co-occurence Matrix

glcm = glcm(img, distance, angle, mat_size=16)
glcm = glcm(img, distances, angle, mat_size=16)
glcm = glcm(img, distance, angles, mat_size=16)
glcm = glcm(img, distances, angles, mat_size=16)

Calculates the GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix) of an image. The distances and angles arguments may be a single integer or a vector of integers if multiple GLCMs need to be calculated. The mat_size argument is used to define the granularity of the GLCM.

glcm = glcm_symmetric(img, distance, angle, mat_size=16)
glcm = glcm_symmetric(img, distances, angle, mat_size=16)
glcm = glcm_symmetric(img, distance, angles, mat_size=16)
glcm = glcm_symmetric(img, distances, angles, mat_size=16)

Symmetric version of the glcm function.

glcm = glcm_norm(img, distance, angle, mat_size)
glcm = glcm_norm(img, distances, angle, mat_size)
glcm = glcm_norm(img, distance, angles, mat_size)
glcm = glcm_norm(img, distances, angles, mat_size)

Normalised version of the glcm function.


Multiple properties of the obtained GLCM can be calculated by using the glcm_prop function which calculates the property for the entire matrix. If grid dimensions are provided, the matrix is divided into a grid and the property is calculated for each cell resulting in a height x width property matrix.

prop = glcm_prop(glcm, property)
prop = glcm_prop(glcm, height, width, property)

Various properties can be calculated like mean, variance, correlation, contrast, IDM (Inverse Difference Moment), ASM (Angular Second Moment), entropy, max_prob (Max Probability), energy and dissimilarity.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for max_prob. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for contrast. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for ASM. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for IDM. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for glcm_entropy. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for energy. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for dissimilarity. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for correlation. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for glcm_mean_ref. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for glcm_mean_neighbour. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for glcm_var_ref. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for glcm_var_neighbour. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Local Binary Patterns

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for lbp. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for modified_lbp. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for direction_coded_lbp. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for lbp_original. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for lbp_uniform. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for lbp_rotation_invariant. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for multi_block_lbp. Check Documenter's build log for details.


hog_params = HOG([orientations = 9], [cell_size = 8], [block_size = 2], [block_stride = 1], [norm_method = "L2-norm"])

Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) is a dense feature descriptor usually used for object detection. See "Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection" by Dalal and Triggs.


  • orientations = number of orientation bins
  • cellsize = size of a cell is cellsize x cell_size (in pixels)
  • blocksize = size of a block is blocksize x block_size (in terms of cells)
  • block_stride = stride of blocks. Controls how much adjacent blocks overlap.
  • norm_method = block normalization method. Options: L2-norm, L2-hys, L1-norm, L2-sqrt.
lines = hough_transform_standard(
    vote_threshold=minimum(size(img)) / stepsize -1,

Returns a vector of tuples corresponding to the tuples of (r,t) where r and t are parameters for normal form of line: x * cos(t) + y * sin(t) = r

  • r = length of perpendicular from (1,1) to the line
  • t = angle between perpendicular from (1,1) to the line and x-axis

The lines are generated by applying hough transform on the image.


  • img_edges = Image to be transformed (eltype should be Bool)
  • stepsize = Discrete step size for perpendicular length of line
  • angles = List of angles for which the transform is computed
  • vote_threshold = Accumulator threshold for line detection
  • max_linecount = Maximum no of lines to return


julia> using ImageFeatures

julia> img = fill(false,5,5); img[3,:] .= true; img
5×5 Array{Bool,2}:
 false  false  false  false  false
 false  false  false  false  false
  true   true   true   true   true
 false  false  false  false  false
 false  false  false  false  false

julia> hough_transform_standard(img)
1-element Array{Tuple{Float64,Float64},1}:
 (3.0, 1.5707963267948966)
circle_centers, circle_radius = hough_circle_gradient(img_edges, img_phase, radii; scale=1, min_dist=minimum(radii), vote_threshold)

Returns two vectors, corresponding to circle centers and radius.

The circles are generated using a hough transform variant in which a non-zero point only votes for circle centers perpendicular to the local gradient. In case of concentric circles, only the largest circle is detected.


  • img_edges = edges of the image
  • img_phase = phase of the gradient image
  • radii = circle radius range
  • scale = relative accumulator resolution factor
  • min_dist = minimum distance between detected circle centers
  • vote_threshold = accumulator threshold for circle detection

canny and phase can be used for obtaining imgedges and imgphase respectively.


julia> using Images, ImageFeatures, FileIO, ImageView

julia> img = load(download("http://docs.opencv.org/3.1.0/water_coins.jpg"));

julia> img = Gray.(img);

julia> img_edges = canny(img, (Percentile(99), Percentile(80)));

julia> dx, dy=imgradients(img, KernelFactors.ando5);

julia> img_phase = phase(dx, dy);

julia> centers, radii = hough_circle_gradient(img_edges, img_phase, 20:30);

julia> img_demo = Float64.(img_edges); for c in centers img_demo[c] = 2; end

julia> imshow(img_demo)