Structuring element

Structuring Element (SE) is the key concept in morphology to indicate the connectivity and the neighborhood. This page explains this structuring element concept, and how ImageMorphology supports the general SEs without compromising the performance on the most commonly used special SE cases.

The erosion example

The erosion erode function in its simplest 1-dimensional case can be defined as

\[\varepsilon_A[p] = min(A[p-1], A[p], A[p+1])\]

Because the output value at position $p$ not only depends on its own pixel A[p] but also on its neighborhood values A[p-1] and A[p+1], we call this type of operation a neighborhood image transformation.

Now comes the question: if we try to generalize the erode function, what should we do? – we would like to generalize the concept of "neighborhood".

Two neighborhood representations

By saying "$\Omega_p$ is the neighborhood of $p$", we are expressing p in Ωₚ in plain Julia. For performance consideration, this Ωₚ is usually generated from the (p, Ω) pair. p is the center point that changes during the iteration, and Ω is usually a pre-defined and unchanged data which contains the neighborhood and shape information. We call this Ω a structuring element. There are usually two ways to express Ω:

  • displacement offset: a list of CartesianIndex to indicate the offset to the center point p
  • connectivity mask: a bool array mask to indicate the connectivity to the center point p

For instance, in the following code block we build a commonly named C4 connectivity in the 2-dimensional case:

# displacement offset
Ω_offsets = [
    CartesianIndex(-1, 0),
    CartesianIndex(0, -1),
    CartesianIndex(0, 1),
    CartesianIndex(1, 0),

# connectivity mask
Ω_bool = Bool[
    0 1 0
    1 1 1
    0 1 0

If p=CartesianIndex(3, 3), then we know p=CartesianIndex(3, 4) is in Ωₚ.

Now, back to the erosion example. Based on the displacement offset representation, the simplest generic version of erode can be implemented quite simply:

# For illustration only, performance can be greatly improved using iteration to eliminate allocations
function my_erode(A, Ω)
    out = similar(A)
    R = CartesianIndices(A)
    for p in R
        Ωₚ = filter!(q->in(q, R), Ref(p) .+ Ω)
        # here we don't assume p in Ωₚ
        out[p] = min(A[p], minimum(A[Ωₚ]))
    return out
using ImageMorphology
using ImageBase
using TestImages

img = Gray.(testimage("morphology_test_512"))
img = Gray.(img .< 0.8)
img_e = my_erode(img, Ω_offsets)
mosaic(img, img_e; nrow=1)

As you may realize, the displacement offset representation is convenient to use when implementing algorithms, but it is hard to visualize. In contrast, the connectivity mask is not so convenient to use when implementing algorithms, but it is easy to visualize. For instance, one can very easily understand the following SE at the first glance:

3×3 Matrix{Bool}:
 1  1  1
 1  1  0
 0  0  0

but not

4-element Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}:
 CartesianIndex(-1, -1)
 CartesianIndex(0, -1)
 CartesianIndex(-1, 0)
 CartesianIndex(-1, 1)

The strel function

This package supports the conversion between different SE representations via the strel helper function. strel is the short name for "STRucturing ELement".

To convert a connectivity mask representation to displacement offset representation:

Ω_mask = Bool[1 1 1; 1 1 0; 0 0 0] |> centered
Ω_offsets = strel(CartesianIndex, Ω_mask)
4-element Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}:
 CartesianIndex(-1, -1)
 CartesianIndex(0, -1)
 CartesianIndex(-1, 0)
 CartesianIndex(-1, 1)
zero-centered mask

The mask array is expected to be zero-centered. That means, the axes of a 3×3 mask axes(se) should be (-1:1, -1:1). The centered function is used to shift the center point of the array to (0, 0, ..., 0).

julia> A = centered([1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9])
3×3 OffsetArray(::Matrix{Int64}, -1:1, -1:1) with eltype Int64 with indices -1:1×-1:1:
 1  2  3
 4  5  6
 7  8  9

julia> A[-1, -1], A[0, 0], A[1, 1] # top-left, center, bottom-right
(1, 5, 9)

This centered function comes from OffsetArrays.jl and is also exported by ImageMorphology.

And to convert back from a displacement offset representation to connectivity mask representation:

strel(Bool, Ω_offsets)
3×3 OffsetArray(::BitMatrix, -1:1, -1:1) with eltype Bool with indices -1:1×-1:1:
 1  1  1
 1  1  0
 0  0  0

Quite simple, right? Thus to make our my_erode function more generic, we only need to add one single line:

 function my_erode(A, Ω)
     out = similar(A)
+    Ω = strel(CartesianIndex, Ω)
     R = CartesianIndices(A)


Among all the structuring elements, the symmetric ones are used most in practice – they have better properties and their symmetry enables certain implementation optimizations.

The SE symmetricity is defined with respect to the center point for the mask representation mask = strel(Bool, se): se is symmetric if mask[I] == mask[-I] holds for I ∈ CartesianIndices(mask). – This is also why mask representation requires a centered array.

se = centered(Bool[
    1 0 1
    0 1 0
    1 0 1
ImageMorphology.is_symmetric(se) # true

se = centered(Bool[
    1 1 1
    0 1 0
    1 0 1
ImageMorphology.is_symmetric(se) # false

se = [CartesianIndex(1), CartesianIndex(-1)]
ImageMorphology.is_symmetric(se) # true

se = [CartesianIndex(1)]
ImageMorphology.is_symmetric(se) # false

Convenient constructors

Among all the SE possibilities, this package provides constructors for two commonly used cases:

julia> strel_diamond((3, 3)) # immediate neighborhood: C4 connectivity3×3 ImageMorphology.StructuringElements.SEDiamondArray{2, 2, UnitRange{Int64}, 0} with indices -1:1×-1:1:
 0  1  0
 1  1  1
 0  1  0
julia> strel_diamond((3, 3), (1, )) # along the first dimension3×3 ImageMorphology.StructuringElements.SEDiamondArray{2, 1, UnitRange{Int64}, 1} with indices -1:1×-1:1: 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
julia> strel_box((3, 3)) # all adjacent neighborhood: C8 connectivity3×3 ImageMorphology.StructuringElements.SEBoxArray{2, UnitRange{Int64}} with indices -1:1×-1:1: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
julia> strel_box((3, 3), (1, ))3×3 ImageMorphology.StructuringElements.SEBoxArray{2, UnitRange{Int64}} with indices -1:1×-1:1: 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

Utilizing these constructors, we can provide an easier-to-use my_erode(A, [dims]) interface by adding one more method:

my_erode(A, dims::Dims=ntuple(identity, ndims(A))) = my_erode(A, strel_diamond(A, dims))
Performance tip: keep the array type

For the structuring element Ω generated from strel_diamond and strel_box, it is likely to hit a fast path if you keep its array type. For instance, erode(A, strel_diamond(A)) is usually faster than erode(A, Array(strel_diamond(A))) because more information of the Ω shape is passed to Julia during coding and compilation.

Performance optimizations and the strel_type function

Thanks to Julia's multiple dispatch mechanism, we can provide all the optimization tricks without compromising the simple user interface. This can be programmatically done with the help of the strel_type function. For example, if you know a very efficient erode implementation for the C4 connectivity SE, then you can add it incrementally:

using ImageMorphology: MorphologySE, SEDiamond

my_erode(A, dims::Dims) = my_erode(A, strel_diamond(A, dims))
my_erode(A, Ω) = _my_erode(strel_type(Ω), A, Ω)

# the generic implementation we've written above
function _my_erode(::MorphologySE, A, Ω)

# the optimized implementation for SE generated from `strel_diamond` function
function _my_erode(::SEDiamond, A, Ω)

# ... and other optimized versions, if there are

In essence, strel_type is a trait function to assist the dispatch and code design:

julia> strel_type(Ω_mask)ImageMorphology.StructuringElements.SEMask{2}()

It returns an internal object SEMask{2}(). This might look scary at first glance, but it's quite a simple lookup table that reflects our previous reasoning:

representationelement typestrel_type
displacement offsetCartesianIndexSEOffset
connectivity maskBoolSEMask