Using ImageSmooth


You can install ImageSmooth.jl via package manager.

(@v1.6) pkg> add ImageSmooth

Using an image-smoothing algorithm

Each smoothing algorithm in ImageSmooth.jl is an AbstractImageSmoothAlgorithm.

Currently, there is one image-smoothing algorithm can be used:

You can define an image-smoothing algorithm fₛ as follow.

julia> using ImageSmooth
julia> fₛ = L0Smooth()L0Smooth(0.02, 2.0, 100000.0)

Applying the algorithm to the image

All of the algorithms are applied to the image via smooth or the in-place operation smooth!.

julia> imgₛ = smooth(img, fₛ);
julia> imgₛ = similar(img);ERROR: UndefVarError: img not defined
julia> smooth!(imgₛ, img, fₛ);ERROR: UndefVarError: smooth! not defined


To use the smoothing operator, you have to first define a fₛ::AbstractImageSmoothAlgorithm, like L0Smooth. Then you can apply fₛ by using smooth or smooth!.

  • You can use smooth to process your image:
using ImageSmooth

img = testimage("cameraman")

# Define the smoothing algorithm needed to use
fₛ = L0Smooth() # using default arguements

# Apply the algorithm to the image
imgₛ = smooth(img, fₛ)

# View the original image and the smoothed image
mosaicview(img, imgₛ; nrow=1)
  • You can also use the in-place operator smooth!:
using ImageSmooth

img = testimage("cameraman")

fₛ = L0Smooth()

imgₛ = similar(img)

smooth!(imgₛ, img, fₛ)

# View the original image and the smoothed image
mosaicview(img, imgₛ; nrow=1)