Swirl effect using warp operation
In this example, we illustrate how to construct a custom warping map and pass it to warp
. This swirl example comes from the Princeton Computer Graphics course for Image Warping (Fall 2000) and scikit-image swirl example.
using ImageTransformations
using OffsetArrays, StaticArrays
using ImageShow, TestImages
using LinearAlgebra
img = imresize(testimage("cameraman"), (256, 256));
As we've illustrated in image warping, a warp operation consists of two operations: backward coordinate map ϕ
and intensity estimator. To implement swirl operation, we need to customize the coordinate map ϕ
. A valid coordinate map q = ϕ(p)
follows the following interface:
# SVector comes from StaticArrays
ϕ(::SVector{N})::SVector{N} where N
A cartesian position (x, y)
can be transfered to/from polar coordinate (ρ, θ)
using formula:
# Cartesian to Polar
ρ = norm(y-y0, x-x0)
θ = atan(y/x)
# Polar to Cartesian
y = y0 + ρ*sin(θ)
x = x0 + ρ*cos(θ)
For given input index p
, a swirl operation enforces more rotations in its polar coordinate using θ̃ = θ + ϕ + s*exp(-ρ/r)
, and returns the cartesian index (x̃, ỹ) from the warped polor coordinate (ρ, θ̃). (Here we use the formula from scikit-image swirl example to build our version.)
function swirl(rotation, strength, radius)
x0 = OffsetArrays.center(img)
r = log(2)*radius/5
function swirl_map(x::SVector{N}) where N
xd = x .- x0
ρ = norm(xd)
θ = atan(reverse(xd)...)
# Note that `x == x0 .+ ρ .* reverse(sincos(θ))`
# swirl adds more rotations to θ based on the distance to center point
θ̃ = θ + rotation + strength * exp(-ρ/r)
SVector{N}(x0 .+ ρ .* reverse(sincos(θ̃)))
warp(img, swirl_map, axes(img))
swirl (generic function with 1 method)
Now let's see how radius argument affects the result
preview = ImageShow.gif([swirl(0, 10, radius) for radius in 10:10:150]; fps=5)
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