
ImageCore supports several "traits" that are sometimes useful in viewing or analyzing images. Many of these traits become much more powerful if you are using add-on packages like ImagesAxes, which allows you to give "physical meaning" to the different axes of your image. Readers are encouraged to view the documentation for ImageAxes to gain a better appreciation of how to exploit these traits. When using plain arrays to represent images, most of the traits default to "trivial" outcomes.

Let's illustrate with a couple of examples:

julia> using Colors, ImageCore

julia> img = rand(RGB{U8}, 680, 480);

julia> pixelspacing(img)

pixelspacing returns the spacing between adjacent pixels along each axis. Using ImagesAxes, you can even use physical units to encode this information, which might be important for microscopy or biomedical imaging.

Another simple trait is coords_spatial:

julia> coords_spatial(img)

This trait indicates that both dimensions 1 and 2 are "spatial dimensions," meaning they correspond to physical space. This trait again becomes more interesting with ImagesAxes, where you can denote that some axes correspond to time (e.g., for a movie).

A full list of traits is presented in the reference section.